Monday, November 8, 2010

Young Barack Obama Attended Muslim Prayers Against His Mother's Wishes

Young Barack Obama was very interested in Islam and insisted on attending Islamic class and Muslim prayers against his mother's wishes.

The Australian reported:
AS a schoolboy in Jakarta, Barack Obama attended Muslim prayer sessions with his classmates against the wishes of his mother.

The US President’s former grade three teacher said that Mr Obama – who was known as “Barry” when he attended the Menteng One school in Jakarta – studied the Koran and went to classes on Islam, despite the objections of Anne Dunham, a Roman Catholic.

The teacher’s recollections will add to speculation about Mr Obama’s links to Islam during his much-anticipated visit to Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, as part of his ten-day tour of Asia...

“His mother did not like him learning Islam, although his father was a Muslim. Sometimes she came to the school; she was angry with the religious teacher and said ‘Why did you teach him the Koran?’” said Effendi.

“But he kept going to the classes because he was interested in Islam. He would also join the other pupils for Muslim prayers.”

Hat tip Gateway Pundit.


  1. Do you try to be ignorant or do you come by it honestly? Ignorance is more of a threat to National Security than prayer. Give your head a shake and do something positive for your Country, unless you want to be both ignorant and unpatriotic. Stupidity is killling America. God wants you to make friends, not enemies. Get with the program or God's rath will punish. He is losing patience.

  2. Anonymous said...

    "Do you try to be ignorant or do you come by it honestly?"

    Since when is reporting information ignorant? If you don't like the story or think it advances your agenda, that's too bad. It is lack of reporting that creates the kind of ignorance that elected Barack Obama President.

  3. Reporting information is ignorant when you are reporting ignorant information - you ignoramuss.

    Here is my reporting and let me know if you disagree:

    Peter Johnson has stated that "Bluegrass Pundit should be more respectful to his commander-in-chief during wartime. God appoints our leaders and Obama was appointed by God. Obama is trying to lead America out of the darkeness and into the light. 'Blue' is the Devil by trying to stop him from doing so. To stop Obama is to go against God. Blue will burn. Bluegrass is doomed to have a torched ass".

    This is reporting information and therefore cannot be ignorant.

    If you believe this you are a bonehead. But don't worry. You are not alone. You live in a Country full of boneheads so many of your fellow goosesteppers will agree with you allowing you to believe your own ignorance. I blame it on inbreeding.

  4. Anonymous said...

    "Reporting information is ignorant when you are reporting ignorant information - you ignoramuss.

    Here is my reporting and let me know if you disagree:

    Peter Johnson has stated that "Bluegrass Pundit should be more respectful to his commander-in-chief during wartime"

    That isn't reporting information. That is opinion and opinion is subjective. I reported on a news story. I did not editorialize. You apparently don't understand the difference. If you disagree with a news story, try attacking the substance of it.

  5. News is constantly manufactured and 'made up'.

    Your opinion dictates your facts and therefore you spew propoganda.

    Why do Americans hate each other so much?

    What happened to the "United We Stamd, Divided We Fall" your beloved Founding Fathers talked about? Do you know something they did'nt? Were they wrong?

    Start building bridges man or your house will collapse. Look beyond yourself. There's a great big world out there, and not everyone is the boogeyman...

    I know you're afraid but be brave. You do live in the 'Land' of the brave don't you???

    So... put down your gun and be nice to people. Even people you don't know. After all - they are just like you. Similarities far outweigh differences. You just have to have to courage to find out. So be brave - unless all that Home of the brave crap is just that.


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.