Sunday, February 6, 2011

D.C. Insider: Obama is clueless about Egypt crisis, worried about Obamacare constitutionality and his own eligibility

 Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President

An alleged WH insider has been sending email with what appears to be inside information on the Barack Obama administration. This person has accurately predicted Summers, Emanuel and Gibbs would leave the administration long before anyone else. The WH insider claims Obama is clueless about Egypt and the administration is spending a lot of time preparing for a Supreme Court challenge of Obamacare. Also, the "birther" eligibility issue has the White House nervous. They are afraid several state will require Obama to prove his eligibility and natural born status. They are devising strategies to head that scenario off. Here are a few snippets. Please go to the NewsFlavor website and read the whole thing. It is very interesting.
Had to send you this quick message. Feel free to publish all of it if you wish. First, I am so disappointed in the response by Obama White House to the crisis in Egypt. White House was caught completely off guard on this one...

...Obama is clueless. Totally clueless. I am not talking a little out of step here....

...primary focus was how to protect Obamacare ...
White House already spending significant time/resources preparing legal argument for the Supreme Court case...
...Second focus was apparently “birther” related. Jarrett expressed concern over possible newly passed eligibility requirements...

Read more here.

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