Saturday, February 26, 2011

Newt Gingrich:The Rule of Obama

President Obama has decided to abandon his Constitutional and sworn duties by stoping enforcement of the Defense of Marriage Act. Former House Speaker and likely 2012 Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has some interesting observations on this outrageous decision by the Obama administration. (accent is mine)

(NewsMax)- "Imagine that Governor Palin had become president. Imagine that she had announced that Roe versus Wade in her view was unconstitutional and therefore the United States government would no longer protect anyone's right to have an abortion because she personally had decided it should be changed. The news media would have gone crazy. The New York Times would have demanded her impeachment."

Gingrich's comments mark the first time a significant Republican leader has raised the specter of impeachment against Obama.

"First of all, he campaigned in favor of [the law]. He is breaking his word to the American people," Gingrich says.

"Second, he swore an oath on the Bible to become president that he would uphold the Constitution and enforce the laws of the United States. He is not a one-person Supreme Court... Read more here.
Here is a video of Gingrich's comments.

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