Saturday, February 5, 2011

Reagan Super Bowl XLV Tribute (video)

This video will be shown on FOX just before kickoff Feb 6, 2011 in celebration of Reagan's 100th birthday. Fantastic!


  1. I wish to thank you for this. and i am in hopes that it will touch others, I will never forget some of the things that he did. not only as the leader of our land but as the Man he was...

  2. Mr. Reagan re-started the Military-Industrial Complex about which President Eisenhower warned us 20 years earlier.

    Also, this video has no place on television or in the stadium. It's a game, remember, not a political rally?

  3. I am one of the blessed teachers who were invited to Pioneer High School in the early 1980's when the high school received the first National Award for School Excellence. He was the beloved speaker and I was so inspired that I worked the rest of my career to reach for his ideals of excellence in education. Last Year I received the 2010 56th District Woman of the Year in Education in California after 40 years in education. I will always be so honored to have been invited to attend the event at Pioneer High School. God Bless his beloved wife, Nancy, and may everyone remember President Reagan as the best president that we have ever had in the United States!

  4. I am one of the blessed teachers who were invited to Pioneer High School in the early 1980's when the high school received the first National Award for School Excellence. He was the beloved speaker and I was so inspired that I worked the rest of my career to reach for his ideals of excellence in education. Last Year I received the 2010 56th District Woman of the Year in Education in California after 40 years in education. I will always be so honored to have been invited to attend the event at Pioneer High School. God Bless his beloved wife, Nancy, and may everyone remember President Reagan as the best president that we have ever had in the United States!

  5. John and Carol said...

    "I am one of the blessed teachers who were invited to Pioneer High School in the early 1980's when the high school received the first National Award for School Excellence. He was the beloved speaker and I was so inspired that I worked the rest of my career to reach for his ideals of excellence in education."

    Thanks for sharing that. It must have been a great experience.


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