Sunday, March 27, 2011

Florida House Bill Cuts Off Public Employee Union Money

When a union contract is negotiated, the first thing the union goes for isn't improved wages or benefits. It is automatic "check off." This means union dues are automatically deducted from employees wages. Unions pay themselves first. If unions have to collect from the members, let's just say a lot of people don't want to pay. The Florida House has voted to end "check off" for public employee unions.
TALLAHASSEEThe Florida House delivered a major blow to public employee unions Friday, approving a bill that would ban automatic dues deduction from a government paycheck and require members to sign off on the use of their dues for political purposes.

Democrats and Republicans fought over the legislation for just under two hours. Democrats and labor unions have accused conservatives of “union-busting” and said the bill was more about political payback than public policy. Unions have typically been big backers of Democratic candidates.

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