Saturday, March 19, 2011

Louis Farrakhan to Obama: "Who the hell do you think you are? ” (video)

President Obama has hesitated to get involved in Libya. European governments have been puzzled by his intransigence. He has only agreed to take action after a U.N. vote. Obama may have been afraid his black Muslim base would have the following reaction.
“And I warn my brother don’t you let these wicked demons move you in a direction that will absolutely ruin your future with your people in Africa and throughout the world. . . . You can’t order him to step down and get out — who the hell do you think you are? ” — Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan calls Qaddafi "brother." Does President Obama feel the same way?


  1. The Organizer In Chief, that's who!

  2. nader paul kucinich gravel mckinneyMarch 21, 2011 at 6:52 AM

    Now you can see why the Israel Firsters fear Minister Farrakhan.

    Covering up the truth about 9/11 is considered a key security issue for the State of Israel.


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