Thursday, May 12, 2011

Fail: NASA Starts Cooking Books For Sea Level Rise

The Great Global Warming Blunder: How Mother Nature Fooled the World's Top Climate Scientists
What do you do when sea level rise fails to meet your catastrophic global warming predictions? If you are NASA, you start cooking the books by adding a fictitious number.
(Forbes) - Satellite measurements, however, show global sea level rose merely 0.83 inches during the first decade of the 21st century (a pace of just 8 inches for the entire century), and has barely risen at all since 2006. This puts alarmists in the embarrassing position of defending predictions that are not coming true in the real world.

The University of Colorado Sea Level Research Group is coming to their rescue. The NASA-funded group claims glacial melt is removing weight that had been pressing down on land masses, which in turn is causing land mass to rise. This welcome news mitigates sea-level rise from melting glacial ice, meaning sea level will rise less than previously thought. However, it is very inconvenient for alarmist sea level predictions. Therefore, instead of reporting the amount by which sea level is rising in the real world, the Sea Level Research Group has begun adding 0.3 millimeters per year of fictitious sea level rise to “compensate” for rising land mass.

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