Friday, June 17, 2011

Rasmussen: 92% of Tea Party will vote for the Republican candidate even if their favorite falls short

The Tea Party Goes to Washington

Rasmussen has found Tea Party GOP primary voters are the most loyal of all Republicans.
Eighty-three percent (83%) of primary voters say they will vote for the Republican candidate even if their favorite does not capture the party’s presidential nomination. Seven percent (7%) will vote for Obama if that happens, while five percent (5%) will go for a third-party candidate.

Perhaps surprisingly, Tea Party members are more committed to supporting the GOP candidate than other Republicans. Among GOP primary voters who are Tea Party members, 92% will vote for the Republican candidate even if their favorite falls short of the nomination. Among non-Tea Party members, only 78% are that committed to the Republican candidate.

Ninety-three percent (93%) of Tea Party members think any of the GOP candidates would make a better president than Obama, a view shared by just 66% of non-members.

1 comment:

  1. Well nice I'm not a negro, I'll vote for the best candidate for the position.


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