Sunday, July 24, 2011

New Orleans Couple Sued For "Our son defends our freedom" Sign

Timothy and Jodi Burr's son is a Marine deployed in Afghanistan. They have been sued for putting up a yard sign stating,
"Our son defends our freedom"
The Burr's claim school and team yard signs are being allowed. This makes me wonder if the decision to rebuild New Orleans the best one.

AP via NOLA:
The Times reports that the Gardens of Southgate filed the suit this month against Timothy and Jodi Burr, who have lived in the subdivision since 2006. The Burrs placed a large multicolored banner with a picture of their 20-year-old son, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Corey Burr, and the phrase "Our son defends our freedom" in January after Corey Burr was deployed to Afghanistan.

1 comment:

  1. Absolute nonsense. Doesn't the Gardens of Southgate have anything better to do?


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