Friday, August 5, 2011

Priceless: WH Press Secretary Jay Carney declared Thursday that “the White House doesn’t create jobs”

Jay Carney gets today's Captain Obvious award. The priceless part is this admission debunks President Obama's attempt to convince Americans the government is the engine that drives job creation. Jobs created by government are only a temporary kind of welfare that we can no longer afford. Real long-term jobs are created by businesses. They aren't creating many now because President Obama is the most anti-business President in modern times.
(Business Insider) — As President Barack Obama once again pivots to focus on economic growth, Press Secretary Jay Carney declared Thursday that “the White House doesn’t create jobs.”
While undoubtedly true, it was certainly not a sentiment Obama wants to project as Republicans ratchet up criticism of his leadership on economic issues, and his presidential campaign kicks into high gear.
After a month devoted to raising the debt limit, on Tuesday Obama announced a new focus on boosting employment — at least his seventh such announcement in his presidency.
Facing tough questions from reporters on what Obama is doing to create jobs today, Carney responded that Obama was meeting with senior advisors to plot a way forward on the issue.

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