Saturday, September 3, 2011

Rep. Walsh to Bashir: ‘Your Profession Did Not Vet Obama' (video)

Rep. Walsh is correct. The media did not vet President Obama. 53% of the voters in this country cast their ballot for an un-American hack, with a postage stamp sized resume, created by the corrupt Chicago democratic machine. President Obama is the 'novelty' president. We all know how that has worked out. The mainstream media led the charge to elect Barack Obama. They are fully culpable in the deception of American voters. Candidate Obama was attractive, black, well spoken (with teleprompter), full of "Hope and Change" and completely unqualified to lead this country.

1 comment:

  1. Worse still, it was THEIR form of "affirmative action", because not only did they NOT "vet" him, they actively EXCUSED him from it...


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