Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ron Paul: We shouldn't build a border fence because it would keep Americans in or something (video)

There are issues Ron Paul makes a lot of sense on, but border control isn't one of them. When the topic drifts towards anything related to foreign policy, Ron Paul sounds like that crazy uncle in the family nobody likes to talk about.

Via :
In Wednesday's GOP presidential debate Ron Paul (R-TX) suggested a fence along the U.S. Mexico border could be used to keep Americans in.

Ron Paul Says The Border Fence Built To Keep Us In


  1. Hey All,

    Paul is RIGHT about this.

    It's unconscionable to most Americans to believe that the Government WOULD do it, but it sure is "possible" as Paul says.

    Who in their right minds, some 40 years ago would have thought the Government would be dictating to us like they do now?

    What size your toilet is, how many watts a light can put out, having to wear your seat belt, and the list goes on and on as to how the Government has overstepped it's authority.

    Keeping citizens from removing capital from this Country isn't too far fetched of a notion.

    Remember he said to "think about it", and that it is "possible", not that it would be the initial intention of the fense.

    I like what Paul's message is. I'm not sure that he is the correct "vehicle" to get that message out.

    He has the right message but in my opinion, he simply comes off as uncomfortable, uneasy and unsure of how to get that message out.

  2. Interested Bystander said...

    " Hey All,

    Paul is RIGHT about this.

    It's unconscionable to most Americans to believe that the Government WOULD do it, but it sure is "possible" as Paul says.

    Who in their right minds, some 40 years ago would have thought the Government would be dictating to us like they do now?"

    Although Paul is "technically" correct, I don't think there is any danger of a stampede to the Mexican border anytime soon. Perhaps if Obama is re-elected...

    I still am a firm believer that fences make good neighbors. We should fence as much of the border as feasible and heavily patrol the rest. We can't have an effective immigration policy with what amounts to an open border.


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