Monday, September 26, 2011

Since NJ Gov. Chris Christie isn't running for President, he must be attending all those fundraisers for the food.

NJ Chris Christie has denied any presidential ambition for 2012, but he sure is attending a lot of high profile fundraisers.
TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie sets out on a three-state tour today, delivering an address at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on Tuesday and highlighting a several fundraisers.

The buzz about Christie and a presidential campaign continues to get louder despite his repeated and oft colorful denials that he has no plans to run. The high-profile speech and fundraisers is likely to only stoke the presidential campaign speculation...
He goes first today to St. Louis, where he will attend a lunch-time fundraiser to benefit the New Jersey Republican Party. Tonight he will be the main attraction at a dinner for the Missouri Republican Party, one of the state's biggest annual fundraisers.

On Tuesday, he will attend a breakfast for Congressional candidate Ann Wagner before departing for California.

The main event in California is a Tuesday evening speech at the Reagan Library, where he was invited personally by former First Lady Nancy Reagan to speak. Keep on reading..
Jokes aside, I actually would like to see Gov. Christie enter the GOP 2012 race. He would make a formidable candidate.

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