Thursday, October 6, 2011

Insanity: Herman Cain would be VP for any Republican except Perry

So Cain would be Huntsman's or Romney's VP, but not Rick Perry's? Cain's poll numbers melt in 3...2..1...
HOUSTON — Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said on Thursday that he would definitely consider an invitation to run as the eventual nominee’s vice president, except if the nominee turns out to be Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
Cain, who rocketed to the top tier of the GOP field in several recent polls, was asked by reporters on the campaign trail for his thoughts on a hypothetical invitation to run as the eventual nominee’s No. 2. After offering the obligatory comment that he intends to be the nominee, Cain said, “Quite frankly, based upon Governor Perry’s position on some issues, I would not be comfortable being his vice presidential nominee.”
Cain said his concerns about Perry include “being soft on the border, issues relative to tuition for children of illegal aliens.” As governor, Perry supported legislation offering in-state college tuition for the children of illegal immigrants, which has become a flash point in the campaign. “And I haven’t totally gone through all of his positions, but a lot of positions I have questions with,” Cain said.

1 comment:

  1. He has to be kidding yet I know he isn't so I'll go as far as saying he pissed off over the pet rock I can remember in Texas when there were signs all over the place telling blacks "white only"this was even going on in Louisiana in the 80's wow time and things change but it seems the blacks will never.


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