Sunday, October 30, 2011

OWS on Sexual Assault: “We don’t tell anyone,”

Whatever happens, don't make the moonbats look bad.

The New York Post reported:
Wall Street protesters in Zuccotti Park battened down the hatches yesterday as the early October snow turned their tents into igloos, but the close quarters also made easy pickings for one predator.

A sex fiend barged into a woman’s tent and sexually assaulted her at around 6 a.m., said protesters, who chased him from the park.

“Pervert! Pervert! Get the f–k out!” said vigilante Occupiers, who never bothered to call the cops.
“They were shining flashlights in his face and yelling at him to leave,” said a woman who called herself Leslie, but refused to give her real name.

She said that weeks earlier another woman was raped.

“We don’t tell anyone,” she said. “We handle it internally. I said too much already.”

1 comment:

  1. Yeah THAT makes a lot of sense. It'd make more sense if they broke both his legs and THEN called the cops. I might actually have some respect for them if they did that.


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