Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mitt Romney: "...People understand I’m a man of steadiness and constancy,”

Is he serious?
(Daily Caller) — Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney discussed his reputation as a flip-flopper at Wednesday night’s CNBC Republican presidential debate, disputing the characterization and calling himself “a man of steadiness and constancy.”
Romney was asked to address the “issue of character” after he mentioned the auto bailout, which he has been accused of switching positions on. The Democratic National Committee has been bracketing Romney in Michigan with ads attacking him for flip-flopping on the issue.
“What can you say to Republicans to persuade them that things you say in the campaign are rooted in something deeper than the fact you are running for office?” he was asked.
“I think people know me pretty well … People understand I’m a man of steadiness and constancy,” Romney said. “I don’t think you are going the find somebody who has more of those attributes than do I. I have been married to the same woman for 25 — excuse me — I will get in trouble. For 42 years. I have been in the same church my entire life. I worked at one company for 25 years. And I left that to go off and help save the Olympic Games.


  1. When one recalls Romney’s monumental flip flops, what is the well rehearsed refrain from the country club Republican set? “Not voting for Romney means Obama will win…blah, blah, blah…”

    There is no difference between Obama and Romney. Vote for either.

    Both Romney and Obama want to continue the wars in Afghanistan and elsewhere overseas, they each favored the bail-outs, both are pro-gun control, and neither is really serious about a meaningful reduction in taxes or the size of government.

    The only difference I see is that Obama has been relatively consistent in his abortion policies; I am not sure where Romney stands this morning on the issue of abortion

    Romney and the country club set who let him get this far are destroying this party.

  2. Hey All,

    I agree with anonymous.

    Romney is NOT a Republican, and he's NOT a Conservative, and I also believe that a vote for Romney is no better than a vote for Obama.

    IF Romney is the GOP nominee, I will vote for someone else, it's as simple as that.


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.