Thursday, November 10, 2011

Video: Man shot dead at #OccupyVermont

 Just like the Tea Party.

Via BreitbartTV:


  1. The mayhem of the Occupy movement continues to increase in violence as time goes on.

  2. thought you had stopped 'blogging'--will be back more frequently-

  3. Hey All,

    How much vacation time do these "occupiers" have?

    My goodness............

    Besides BP, the TEA Party events I have attended have been overwhelmed with violence.

    Well that's if you define "violence" as orderly, repectful, attentive people who are REALLY concerned with the direction of our Country.

  4. We Occupiers don't need vacation time. We're working in shifts. The Tea Party could try working in shifts, if it had enough members.

    Guess what, shootings happened in downtown Oakland before the protests. I know, who would expect such rampant crime in Mayberry RFD?...wait.


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.