Monday, December 12, 2011

After wasting three years of opportunity, President Obama says reviving the U.S. economy will be a “long-term project.”

If President Obama is re-elected, reviving the economy will be a long-term project indeed.

Via The Hill:
President Obama defended his economic record in an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes” and said he has always thought reviving the U.S. economy would be a “long-term project.”
The president said struggling Americans “have every reason to be impatient,” in the interview which aired Sunday night.
That’s because “reversing structural problems in our economy that have been building up for two decades, that [is] going to take time,” Obama told CBS.
Obama rejected the notion that he promised too much in terms of his ability to right America’s fiscal ship.
Read more here…

1 comment:

  1. Well it has taken the process years to get this screwed up. The one thing I am sure of, by the way things are going, neither party has a solution or a clue how to create one. So Yes we can not afford four more years of Obama, but we can not afford four more years of nothing, which is what I see the present bunch of candidates offering.


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