Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"Chicken Little" Dem Sen. Barbara Boxer To Climate Change Deniers: "You Are Endangering Humankind”

Actually climate change has many positive benefits. If the climate hadn't changed 12,000 years ago, we would still be having an ice age.
(E2 Wire) — Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) blasted skeptics of climate science Wednesday, alleging they are “endangering humankind.”
“The message I have for climate deniers is this: you are endangering humankind,” Boxer said during a press conference in the Capitol. “It is time for climate deniers to face reality, because the body of evidence is overwhelming and the world’s leading scientists agree.”
Boxer criticized skeptics of climate science, alleging they are standing in the way of significant progress toward lowering greenhouse gas emissions both domestically and internationally.
“Wishing that climate change will go away by clinging to a tiny minority view is not a policy — it is a fantasy,” Boxer said. “Problems do not go away by pretending they do not exist. And the longer that vocal minority insists on keeping their heads in the sand, the more it endangers billions of people around the globe and threatens to dramatically and negatively reshape the world as we know it.”
Keep reading…


  1. She and her kind are the ones endangering humankind, by their drone-like adherence to their party line based on the lies of "manmade climate change" as ordered by the globalists who wish to destroy America as we have known it. They refer to people as "deniers" who do not fall down and worship at their manmade altar to their false religion. So-called "deniers" should be called "REALISTS"-- but Boxer aren't dealing in reality or truth-- therefore they are not interested in any sort of intelligent debate about the matter--

  2. there's an added bonus to all this stupidity you know. I seem to recall reading somewhere that we're waaay overdue for an ice age. The only thing holding it off? All the carbon emissions we produce. I personally call bullshit but it's an entertaining thought.


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