Monday, December 5, 2011

Drug Dealers Rumble With Occupy Portland

Jordan Ledoux, the spokesman for Occupy Portland

This is a fight I hope they both lose.

Via The Portland Mercury:
. . . Apparently just a little more than two hours ago, according to a handful of downcast occupiers huddling at nearby Director Park, Occupy Portland’s would-be reoccupation packed up in a hurry after drug dealers — and not more riot cops swinging batons — showed up with the promise of a clash.
I showed up about an hour and a half after the reported incident went down. About 15 people were sitting on the benches in Director Park, the movement’s most recent home for its general assemblies and spokes council meetings, with the remnants of today’s food. And many were decidedly unhappy — with what happened, and how occupiers either responded or didn’t.
Talk among some at Director Park was that drug dealers wielding skateboards surged in, ate some food, and spat in some occupiers’ faces while demanding they leave. Some reports said they were gang members, but that’s not confirmed. Either way, the campers packed up and boogied out, hoping to avoid more violence, which had some like Dog Mike, an organizer of the reoccupation, complaining that it looked like the movement was more willing to “kowtow” to drug dealers and not the city

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