Thursday, December 15, 2011

Shocking: LA Mayor orders police to stop impounding cars because it creates an “unfair burden” for illegal immigrants

What's next to be abandoned in the name of protecting illegal aliens? Stop enforcing drunk driving laws?

Via Judicial Watch:
The city of Los Angeles is taking its sanctuary title more seriously than most by ordering police officers to stop enforcing a state public safety law because it creates an “unfair burden” for illegal immigrants.

A few weeks ago the mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa​, directed the Los Angeles Police Department ​ (LAPD) to stop impounding the vehicles of unlicensed drivers for 30 days as per state law. The measure is intended to keep potentially reckless drivers off the road and therefore protect the public. It applies to unlicensed drivers as well as those who have had their license revoked or suspended.

Under the law illegal immigrants make up the majority of the drivers who have their cars impounded because they can’t get licenses in California or most states. LAPD Chief Charlie Beck told the local newspaper that this presents an “unfair burden” and “disproportionate blow” for illegal aliens, who he refers to as a “valuable asset to our community.”

The city’s police union is outraged and is charging the mayor with putting politics above public safety. “This new policy will result in innocent people being injured and killed,” the union said in a statement posted on its website. “It is a sad day for Los Angeles residents because the Mayor is directing the LAPD to purposely not enforce a state law designed to protect public safety.”

Read more here…

1 comment:

  1. I think public safety should be emphasized first and foremost. I understand that it would be an unfair burden to illegal immigrants but they are breaking the law by being here illegally.


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