Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hyperbole: Jesse Jackson Claims Gov. Brewer ‘Gave President Obama the Finger’

Jesse Jackson in a typical Jackson overreaction claims Gov. Brewer ‘Gave President Obama the Finger.’ Of course he brings up George Wallace and Dr. King to tie in the race card.

Via NewsBusters:
It was a routine Saturday morning at Rev. Jesse Jackson's Rainbow PUSH forum, broadcast nationally on the Word Network. He was all over the map. Jackson trashed Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, Newt Gingrich, and Mitt Romney. He warned that enterprises such as black funeral homes and black insurance companies are “under attack.” He condemned a proposed change in Grammy Award classifications. Jackson also spoke out against Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who, he said, “did the ultimate insult. She put her finger in his (President Barack Obama) face.” Jackson wants people to call and complain (video here):

Also, while it’s on my mind, Gov. Janice K. Brewer, the finger person. Gov. Janice K. Brewer, who gave President Obama the finger, governor of Arizona, call 1 800 253 0883. Keep that line real busy. 1 800 253 0883. We’ll give you the number later a little later today and this week on the email number of her press secretary. We want to keep Arizona. . . until she can put her hands in her pocket and have some good. . . do you know how insulting it is to put your finger in somebody’s face? Try it with the cameras rolling, she knew the cameras.

She knew what she was doing. She was telling him off. She was cutting him down to his size. She must never get away with that. Even George Wallace did not put his finger in Dr. King’s face. Say, enough is enough.

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