Friday, February 10, 2012

California state health department prints gay sex manual on same night Proposition 8's gay marriage ban was ruled unconstitutional

This would be shocking, but there is little the People's Republic of California could do that would be shocking anymore.
 (FOX40)- There would be nothing strange about a pamphlet provided by the state health department reviewing the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases and how you may be tested for them.

But a pamphlet with anatomically correct male stick figures engaged in various sexual acts. That was just too much for man who works for the state printer and spoke out to FOX40.

“It's almost like a how to manual to have gay sex,” he says.

He was shocked along with his colleagues when he saw parts of a job being run Tuesday night.
He asked FOX40 to conceal his identity for fear of losing his job.

He has no issue with the AIDS prevention information being tailored for gay men, but he does take issue with the printed words he saw being used for any group.

"The language used: they're using the F-word, you know? And male sex organs using the C-word and the D-word," the man said.

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