Friday, February 3, 2012

Possible New Republican Slogan: Join The GOP, We have More Orgasms

An anonymous survey has found conservative Republicans have more orgasisms than liberal Democrats.

Via Daily Beast:
Yep, you heard that right. Republicans—and conservative Republicans, for that matter—reported the highest frequency of orgasm of all of the survey respondents, despite having the least amount of sex. More than half of those who identified as conservative Republicans said they reached climax almost every time they had sex, compared with just 40 percent of liberal Democrats. Sure, these answers are self-reported, but the survey was conducted anonymously online. What reason do they have to lie?


  1. The proof is in the puddin... so too speak...

  2. You's a good thing I didn't have my drink to my lips when I read this header...otherwise I'd need to clean my screen and dry my keyboard............


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