Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WH Spokesman Jay Carney Claims Obama has done everything he could to bring down the price of oil

I didn't think Carney was capable of this level of chutzpah. From drilling bans to the cancelled Keystone Pipeline project, President Obama has done many things to keep gas prices high.

Via Beltway Confidential:
President Obama does not “accept responsibility” for high gas prices, his spokesman indicated today, arguing that Obama has done everything he could to bring down the price of oil and blaming the high gas prices on oil price increases caused by global factors.
“The president accepts the responsibility that he identified the next president should accept, which is the need for comprehensive energy policy,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said today when asked if Obama “accept[s] responsibility” for the high price of oil and gas. “If you’re suggesting that there is responsibility for a rise in the price of oil, it’s certainly not because of anything he hasn’t done to expand oil production,” Carney added.
Keep on reading…

1 comment:

  1. Hey All,

    This Administration has been good at ONLY one thing.



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