Saturday, March 3, 2012

Flashback Video: Obama in 2004: "I was focused on revolution while in college"

Via Free Republic:

Then YouTube:
Barack Obama interview on Chicago local television in 2004, speaking about his college days at Columbia

Shocking Video Unearthed Obama 2004 "We've Got A Revolution That Has To Place"


Interestingly, In the 2004 video Obama claims his mother used to compare him to Gandhi. President Obama recently compared himself to Gandhi again.

Note: I can't wait to see the video of Obama during his college day that Andrew Breitbart uncovered. Reportedly, they will be released in the next few days. Rumor has it there is video of young Barack Obama with Bill Ayers. Interestingly, Sheriff Joe's Cold Case Posse alleged there was a witness who was told by Bill Ayers' parents that they helped pay for Barack Obama's college education and he was a foreign exchange student. I have no idea what is true, but I have my popcorn ready.

1 comment:

  1. That's why it is NEVER a good idea in a presidential election to vote for "change" when that "change" NEVER took basic ECON101, but instead focused on "tyranny studies" (MARXISM). Sad thing is, he probably got college credit for it.


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