Wednesday, March 14, 2012

MSNBC: Rick Santorum Using Racist “Code Message” or Something

Am I the only conservative in the country who doesn't know what they are talking about? Is there a racist code handbook? Are they just plain nuts?

Via Newsbusters:
No, not at all. When Rick Santorum first announced he was running for President, in his announcement speech, he was criticizing President Obama for saying America wasn’t as great as it was until there were programs like Medicare and Social Security. But in that criticism, he said directly to the President, he said, “Mr. President, America was great before 1965.”
I called that out as a coded message. You know, I go to Selma every year, and 1965 is a sacred year in the history of this country, and a never-forgotten year in terms of the history of Alabama. When he said that, I knew exactly who he was speaking to in that coded language. So I’m not surprised at all that he won Alabama.

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