Friday, March 16, 2012

Obama's "The Road We've Traveled " was a wasted $345,000 (video)

This short (17 minute) propaganda film narrated by Tom Hanks is a tribute to Obama's alleged accomplishments. It is horribly boring. I had to zoom through it just to check the content. I doubt anyone will ever watch it in its entirety. The basic themes are: the economy was bad in 2008, the economy has bottomed out, the economy is in recovery due to Obama, the Stimulus worked, Obama saved the American auto industry, Obamacare is the greatest thing since white bread, Obama killed Bin Laden, Did we mention Obama killed Bin Laden and a mash-up of pandering for the female and union vote.

1 comment:

  1. Now I know why his picture is now on the American Flag!!!! Has he been Knighted and when will he appear on Dancing with the Stars?


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