Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rasmussen: 46% of Voters Now Blame Obama for this Recession

 When the number hits 50%, Obama is toast.

Via Rasmussen:
More voters are putting the blame on President Obama’s polices when it comes to today’s still-struggling economy. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows that 48% still place more blame on the economic recession that began under President George W. Bush, but that ties the lowest finding in nearly three years of tracking. Now, nearly as many (46%) say the current president’s policies are more to blame, the highest finding since August 2010.
The margin of sampling error for each survey is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

1 comment:

  1. Let me repeat what I said elsewhere when someone asked someone else for an opinion on what started the recession. Being me, I butted in.
    The recession started shortly after that shrill dictatorial half with Nancy Pelosi, was given the speakers gavel and control of the house in 07. Obummer just made it worse. IOW Pelosi started it. The vehicle of the economy started to wobble and weave a little bit. Obummer and Pelosi drove into a telephone pole. Now, if Obama gets re elected and the dems regain a bigger margin of seats in both houses again...I have no doubt they'll hot wire the fork lift across the street, pick up the car and drop us off the edge of the fracking cliff.


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