Saturday, March 31, 2012

Real 'Flat Earthers' believe in man-made global warming

Republicans have been ridiculed as Flat Earthers because of their skepticism of anthropogenic (man-made) global warming. They have been compared to Flat Earth believers.  President Obama joined in March 15th.
“If some of these folks were around when Columbus set sail, they must have been founding members of the flat earth society. They would not have believed that the world was round.”

Obama: GOP Candidates 'Would Have Been Founding Members Of The Flat Earth Society'

The truth is there really is a Flat Earth Society in existence even today. The current Flat Earth Society President, Daniel Shenton, is a strong believer in global warming. Take that liberals.
Daniel Shenton should be the most irrational man in the world. As the new president of the Flat Earth Society, you'd ­imagine he would also think that evolution is a scam and ­global warming a myth. He should ­argue that smoking does not cause ­cancer and HIV does not lead to Aids.[...]

In fact, Shenton turns out to have resolutely mainstream views on most issues. The 33-year-old American, ­originally from Virginia but now living and working in London, is happy with the work of Charles Darwin. He thinks the evidence for man-made global warming is strong, and he dismisses suggestions that his own government was involved with the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

He is mainstream on most issues, but not all.[...]

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