Sunday, March 18, 2012

Republican officials shut down a caucus meeting in Missouri and threatened to jail the attendees (video)

Republican officials shut down a caucus meeting and threatened to jail the attendees if they did not immediately leave the building.This occurred at the St. Charles County, MO GOP Caucus. A police helicopter was called in. The Nazis GOP officials in charge didn't want the caucus filmed. Perhaps they wanted to steal some more delegates for Romney like what happened at this Georgia GOP caucus. 

Can the GOP establishment really be this stupid? Are they trying to anger enough Republicans to force a third party candidate?


  1. yes they HAVE become this stupid. Remember..I told you back when this all started after the very 1st debate that the RNC had already made up it's mind which candidate was getting their money and support. That candidate was Mitt Romney. They'd decided who the candidate they were going to "gift" us with was before most people started to pay attention!

  2. Romney is Obama-lite....I don't trust him in the Oval Office.

  3. Anonymous....neither do I. And I have said much the same thing.


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