Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rush called Sandra Fluke the wrong name. He should have called her a 'drama queen'

Rush Limbaugh apologized for calling law student Sandra Fluke a sl*t. His comments on her were over the top. However, Sandra Fluke's House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee testimony last month was full of hyperbole, if not downright disingenuous. It was designed to fan the flames of the birth control insurance mandate versus religious freedom debate. During the testimony, Fluke claimed it can cost a law student $3,000 over three years for birth control. A little research found she could have went to a Target store only 3 miles from the law school and got birth control pills for only $9 a month. This plan is available to people who do not have insurance plans covering contraceptives. Additionally, she enrolled in a Catholic University. Surely a law student as smart as her knew going in the insurance wasn't going to pay for birth control.
(CNSNews.com) – Although Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke testified to the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee last month that contraception can cost a law student $3,000 over three years and that some of her fellow students could not afford it, a Target store only 3 miles from the law school currently sells a month’s supply of birth control pills for only $9 to people who do not have insurance plans covering contraceptives.
That would make the total cost for birth control pills for a student who decided to use them for all three years of law school just $324.
Fluke was the sole witness who appeared on Feb. 23 before an all-Democratic panel chaired by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
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  1. "OPERATIVE" would have been an even more accurate name for her.

  2. If sex is a human right rape would not be a crime.


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