Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Team Obama secretly plotting with reporters assigned to follow Romney?

The mainstream press, except partially for FOX News, was a wholly owned arm of the Democratic Party and the Obama campaign in 2008. They not only refused to investigate and vet him, they ignored any stories that would damage Obama's candidacy. Not only will they continue that in 2012, expect them to actively coordinate attacks against the GOP candidate with the Obama campaign and Democratic Party.
(Politico) — The Obama 2012 team hosted an off-the-record briefing for Mitt Romney’s press corps at Chicago headquarters today, reporters tell me.
Obama press secretary Ben La Bolt and deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter hosted the event, during which reporters were given a tour of the office and asked questions about the Obama team’s strategy and outlook on the 2012 race. Campaign manager Jim Messina is said to have made a cameo appearance.
Reporters described the event as unrevelatory and said nothing groundbreaking was discussed, but also described it as an important “get-to-know-you” session for the TV, print, and wire reporters in attendance.
The Romney campaign, which has had a complicated relationship with its press corps, seems to have been unaware that the meeting took place.

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