Thursday, April 5, 2012

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio tells Obama's DOJ to go pound sand

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio has rejected an Obama DOJ demand to allow a racial profiling spy monitor.
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio has rejected a U.S. Justice Department demand for an independent monitor to address allegations of rampant discrimination against Latinos in his office's police and jail operations.

The controversial Maricopa County sheriff and the DOJ had been preparing to negotiate ways to remedy alleged discrimination found in a three-year federal investigation of the sheriff's office, The Arizona Republic reports.

A top Justice Department attorney told Arpaio's lawyers this week that agreement on an independent monitor was critical for continuing negotiations and avoiding a lawsuit.

Arpaio, however, flatly rejected such a monitor Tuesday, calling it a political attempt by President Obama's administration to take control of daily operations in his office. Keep on reading...


  1. Mitt Romney’s Mexican father, hmmmmm…….Are the simple minded “BIRTHERS”, going to ask Romney for his birth certificate? We all know this was never about a birth certificate, if it was then these same people would be asking Romney for his. It’s about small minded people who hate African Americans and do not have the brains to review a President’s policy so they make something up.

    Lets be clear none of you dullards have won a case in the “U.S. Courts”, maybe in your simple minds (if you have any) but not in our “U.S. Courts”, so unless Birthers/ teabaggers, whatever you want to be called, win a court case, we will continue to see as dullards, liars or racist or maybe all three. Deal with that baby!

  2. Mitt Romney is the original anchor baby!


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