Friday, April 6, 2012

"Democratic convention offers NASCAR sponsorship"...Yeah, that will work.

The betting on if they can find a driver willing to pilot a liberal car starts now. I suspect that decision would be a career ending choice.

Via Politico:
For only $5, now you, too, can have your name painted on a NASCAR stock car.

The Charlotte 2012 convention committee has launched a "Powered by the American People" campaign that promises contributors of any amount that their names will be listed as sponsors on the Democratic National Convention racing car.

An email blast with the pitch, signed by reknowned NASCAR promoter H.A. "Humpy" Wheeler, went out Thursday and the promotion leads the convention's web site.

Charlotte is the home of the NASCAR hall of fame, so it's a natural fit. Of course, the racing league also has been the subject of fodder used against Mitt Romney in the presidential campaign.

Here is part of Wheeler's pitch.
[...]I’m proud that my home state was chosen to host the 2012 Democratic National Convention and excited to share some of the southern hospitality that we are known for in the Carolinas. I’m even more proud that the Convention will kick off with a free, family-friendly Labor Day celebration at the place I spent the majority of my career at – the Charlotte Motor Speedway.

I want you to be part of our racing family. If you give $5 – or whatever you can right now – you will be listed as a sponsor on the Convention’s official stock car.[...]

1 comment:

  1. Notice its a freaking Toyota in the ad campaign - not a GM or Chrysler product. Bet the UAW is pissed about that!


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