Monday, April 23, 2012

Obama wants to spend $469 million in your tax dollars on overseas green projects

I guess Obama doesn't think he is flushing tax dollars down the green toilet fast enough here in America. This has zero chance of passing the House.

Via Washington Examiner:
The science remains divided, but the Obama administration has gone all-in with endorsing man-made global warming, even funding efforts to help quell the potential for climate changing catastrophes — including terrorism — in Africa and South America.
The White House is seeking $469 million in tax dollars to dump into green programs on those continents, initiatives ranging from helping farmers preserve pastureland to helping women who can’t afford to move from hot and dry areas made worse by global warming.
The costly Global Climate Change Initiative, however, is expected to come under fire in the Republican-controlled House which has passed a fiscal 2013 budget that curbs overseas spending like the initiative which is handled through USAID. At a Center for American Progress symposium, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle predicted a “hostile” reception by an “ideological” GOP. [...]
The administration agrees with a new report from CAP warning that global warming could lead to terrorism. How? It might change human migration in north-western Africa, likely opening up huge swaths of land to terror groups like al Qaeda. Also, “disenfranchised youth” would be push into terrorism, said the report.
Keep reading…

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