Sunday, May 13, 2012

Newsweek/Daily Beast senior contributor Michelle Goldberg compares Ann Romney to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin

This must be some of that new civility Democrats carped about after Representative Gabrielle Giffords was shot last year.

Via NewsBusters:
"You know, yes, motherhood is beautiful," Goldberg continued. "I found that phrase 'the crown of motherhood' really kind of creepy, not just because of its, like, somewhat you know, I mean, it’s kind of usually really authoritarian societies that give out like The Cross of Motherhood, that give awards for big families. You know, Stalin did it, Hitler did it."


  1. She sounds like a "Valley Girl".

  2. Ann Romney CAN be compared to Hitler and Stalin. All three are carbon-based life forms. Just like Michelle Goldberg. Creepy, no?


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