Friday, June 1, 2012

Outrage: Connecticut funds Communist Party

In January Connecticut cut funding from the Department of Children and Families, but they still have $300,000 to renovate the Communist Party Headquarter.

Via National Review:
The Nutmeg State will be funding the Communist Party.
Yep, despite massive debt and a mushrooming deficit, Governor Dannel Malloy, with the obedient Democrat legislature in tow, will convene the State Bond Commission on June 4th and push through a $300,000 “grant-in-aid to Progressive Education and Research Associates to finance renovations to the New Haven Peoples Center at 37 Howe Street.” The masquerades of Progressive this and People that aside, 37 Howe Street happens to be the headquarters for the Connecticut Communist Party, run by Joelle Fishman, who also happens to be the regional bureau chief for the infamous Peoples World. Which, yes, also happens to be located at 37 Howe Street.
So here we have a state that is awash in red ink, consciously increasing its red ink, to directly send taxpayer dollars to a place that publishes Red ink.
My pal Tom Scott, former state senator and considered by many to be Connecticut’s primo conservative, called to say “Is there anything this Governor is unwilling to spend our money on? We have the highest per-capita debt of any state, we’re the highest taxed state in the nation, and yet Malloy and the Democrats see fit to spend $300,000 to prop up the Communist Party of Connecticut. This is outrageous. And Malloy is a fiscal misfit. We need to turn the heat up on these Democrats to remove this item from the bond commission agenda.”
Keep on reading…

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