Saturday, December 1, 2012

Change: Median net worth of American households has dropped to a 43-year low

Obama's plan to destroy America advances...
WASHINGTON (CBS DC) – The median net worth of American households has dropped to a 43-year low as the lower and middle classes appear poorer and less stable than they have been since 1969.
According to a recent study by New York University economics professor Edward N. Wolff, median net worth is at the decades-low figure of $57,000 (in 2010 dollars). And as the numbers in his study reflect, the situation only appears worse when all the statistics are taken as a whole.
According to Wolff, between 1983 and 2010, the percentage of households with less than $10,000 in assets (using constant 1995 dollars) rose from 29.7 percent to 37.1 percent. The “less than $10,000″ figure includes the numerous households that have no assets at all, or “negative assets,” which is otherwise known as “debt.”
Over that same period of time, the wealthiest 1 percent of American households increased their average wealth by 71 percent.

1 comment:

  1. How is this Obama's fault! God! You racists are Pathetic!
    If Obama is a disgrace to the nation what the heck was slavery ? Goes to show how bind some people are to the past .

    Obama has never taken over private business. Marxism means that no private businesses exist at all. That is just ridiculous.
    Obama is NO Marxist!

    No, Obama was born in hawaii. His name was printed in the Hawaiian newspaper when he was born and his birth certificate can be found online. His mom was a white American, (only his dad was black)

    Obama does not want to destroy America...lul. Although politicians disagree ideologically, i believe a majority want the best for the country, Obama included. If he wanted to destroy america, there are checks and balances on him that would prevent that-> unless the entire government is in on it, but lets use logic...if the entire government was against the United states, then why do we have the worlds largest economy in terms of GDP? Although many people hate obamas healthcare plan, his goal is to protect americans with health issues-> doesn't seem to anti-american

    Obama is not a fraud. fraud means a false representation, he has tried to do everything that he promised. Whether you agree or disagree with what he has done is another story, but he certainty isn't fraudulent.

    Obama never committed voter fraud. I really dont even know what you are referring to on this one. He campaigned and won a majority of the electoral college.... its how it works.

    I did not vote for Obama because I am Pro-Life and I also think he spends way too much money and has built the government too much. I still respect him and use political differences rather then bearing false witness with claims like "he plans to destory America and he was born in Kenya and he is a Marxist, etc" created by racist sore losers like you!

    Did you see the worldwide poll about Obama. Every country approved of him except Pakistan. Fox Nation and Pakistan do have a lot in common.


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.