Saturday, December 15, 2012

Shocking: Earlier this year, liberals defeated proposed Connecticut law to protect citizens from untreated mentally ill

The exact mental state of the Connecticut schools shooter is unknown at this time, but anyone who kills their mother, 20 school children and themselves is crazy in my opinion. Political correctness and liberal thinking have caused us to deinstitutionalize and mainstream people who clearly should be locked away somewhere. Instead of having asylums, we have turned our entire society into an asylum.

Counter Contempt reported:
Here’s a fact you might not know – Connecticut is one of only SIX states in the U.S. that doesn’t have a type of “assisted outpatient treatment” (AOT) law (sometimes referred to as “involuntary outpatient treatment”). There’s no one standard for these types of laws, but (roughly speaking) these are laws that allow for people with mental illness to be forcibly treated BEFORE they commit a serious crime. Whereas previous legal standards held that the mentally ill cannot be institutionalized or medicated until they harm someone or themselves, or until they express an immediate intent to do so, AOT laws (again, roughly speaking) allow for preventative institutionalization or forced medication (I highly recommend reading the data cited in the link I provided in this paragraph, especially regarding what is known as “first episode psychosis”).
AOT laws vary state-by-state, and often bear the name of a person murdered by an untreated mentally ill person (“Kendra’s Law” in New York, “Laura’s Law” in California, etc.).
Earlier this year, Connecticut considered passing an AOT law (and a weak one, at that), and it failed, due to protests from “civil liberties” groups.


  1. Mental illness affects criminals as well as ordinary folks. People suffering from mental illnesses do not commit murder more than the rest of the population. Locking up "those" people is fascist and violates the rights of about 20% of Americans (yes, one in five adults is going to suffer from a mental illness during their lifetime). These knee-jerk reactions like locking up sick people, banning all guns, and so on do NOTHING to teach people EMPATHY -- the ONE thing that is lacking in ALL mass murderers. Focus on how to instill EMPATHY in young children and teens. That will do more to stop these tragedies than anything else.

  2. Deanna Christian said...

    "... These knee-jerk reactions like locking up sick people, banning all guns, and so on do NOTHING to teach people EMPATHY -- the ONE thing that is lacking in ALL mass murderers. Focus on how to instill EMPATHY..."

    I am not advocating all mentally ill people be locked up. Many only suffer from mild or moderate depression. However, there are obviously many that should be institutionalized for their and societies protection. You can't teach a psychopath empathy IMHO.

  3. The guy had mutltiple personality disorders. These are the kind of people that cruise around, burning things, acting out, then one day they get pissed and kill their entire families. Parents with their heads in the sand tend to defend these people as 'good kids' the problem is they are completely unpredictable. Medication will keep them from acting out - this kid should have been medicated obviously. And his mother should have locked up her guns.


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