Monday, March 25, 2013

Obama wants to register people to vote when they sign up for Obamacare...

Actually, he seems to be trying to trick them into thinking it's a requirement.  I wonder why he doesn't want to make voter registration part of the gun background check?

Via Washington Secrets:
The 61-page online Obamacare draft application for health care includes asking if the applicant wants to register to vote, raising the specter that pro-Obama groups being tapped to help Americans sign up for the program will also steer them to register with the Democratic Party.
On page 59, after numerous questions about the applicant’s identity and qualification for Obamacare, comes the question: “Would you like to register to vote?” The placement of the question could lead some to believe they have to register to vote to get health care.
In the introduction of the document, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services declare: “This document-the ‘questionnaire’-represents each possible item that may need to be asked for successful eligibility determinations.”
Keep on reading…

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