Monday, September 30, 2013

DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz Thinks “Tea Party Extremists” Are “Unhinged”…

Debbie  Wasserman Schultz should know unhinged when she sees it. She has lived it for years...
WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: You’re right. And that process needs to be fixed. But last night you have Republican tea party extremists actually celebrating on the House Floor, publicly celebrating that they got — Michele Bachmann said she got everything she wanted.
You have other Republicans who have said they’re delighted over shutting the government down. What we need to do is come together. And let me just give you an analogy here. This is — there’s clear evidence that the tail is wagging the dog and you have got Republicans on the other side who are irrational and not playing with a full deck.
Would you — if you didn’t like the redesign of your kitchen, would you burn the whole house down or would you try to make modifications to the kitchen? These people have come unhinged.
More and video here…

1 comment:

  1. What I want to know is.....does she use an eggbeater on her hair?


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