Saturday, October 26, 2013

Planned Parenthood provides abortion without the patient ever going to the abortion doctor...

 Planned Parenthood claims only 3% of its services are related to abortion and no federal dollars are used. If they use their offices and physicians for abortions and pay for those salaries and facilities with any of the one third funding they receive from taxpayers, they are being disingenuous.

Via DesMoines Register:
Planned Parenthood of the Heartland wants a judge to overturn the Iowa Board of Medicine’s ban on the agency’s video-conferencing method for distributing abortion pills.
Planned Parenthood leaders said Monday that they had filed two petitions in Polk County District Court. The agency wants a judge to put a stay on the ruling while considering whether to overturn it. The ruling is slated to take effect Nov. 6.[...]
Dr. Jill Meadows, Planned Parenthood’s medical director, said in a prepared statement that the arrangement is safe.
“Over the past 5 years, our physicians have provided medication abortion through telemedicine to more than 3,000 women in Iowa,” she wrote. “During that time we have received no patient complaints. Medication abortion is a very safe way to end a pregnancy before nine weeks. While the number of abortions in Iowa has not increased since we implemented our telemedicine program, the number of women accessing abortion before 14 weeks in pregnancy has. As a physician, I know that an abortion early in pregnancy is safer than an abortion later in pregnancy.”
Please remember Komen is funding Planned Parenthood again. There are other Breast Cancer groups you can fund. 

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