Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Nanny State Alert: San Fransisco bans wood burning for Christmas...

So much for roasting chestnuts over an open fire...

Via Fox News:
Sorry, San Francisco. No chestnuts on an open fire this Christmas Eve.
Bay Area officials have banned residents from burning wood, indoors and outdoors, on Tuesday — and might extend the ban into Christmas Day — as part of an air quality initiative.
The order came from a governmental body called the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. It issued a “Winter Spare the Air Alert,” which prohibits people from burning wood, manufactured logs or “any other solid fuels” in fireplaces and outdoor fire pits.
According to KTVU, air quality officials said pollution was expected to hit unhealthy levels amid a high-pressure system.
“We want everyone to enjoy their holiday this week, but unfortunately, weather conditions are causing unhealthy, muddy air again,” said Jack Broadbent, executive officer of the air quality district, according to KTVU.
Keep on reading…

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