Sunday, January 12, 2014

Liberals next gun control target: Background checks for ammo purchases...

Team Obama is attacking ammo by claiming the lead is an environmental hazard. California demos want to require background checks. The strategy is to make ammo and gun ownership too expensive.

Via WaPo:
Following passage last year of some of the strongest gun-control laws in the nation in the wake of the school shooting in Newton, Conn., leading California Democrats will open a new front in the fight against gun violence this year with a proposal to conduct background checks on people who purchase ammunition.
State Senate Democrats will push to require a comprehensive background check on anyone seeking to purchase ammunition, and to require a one-year permit for ammunition purchases.
“Anyone can walk into any gun store, a bait and tackle store, and purchase all the ammunition they want to, no questions asked,” Sen. Kevin de Leon (D), the bill’s lead sponsor, said in an interview. “The ammunition is the fuel that feeds the violence. The gun itself, the hand gun or the long gun or the high-powered weapon is the delivery device. The gas, the fuel, is the ammunition, and no one knows who buys it.”
No other state has gone as far as to regulate ammunition purchases, de Leon said, though gun-control advocates in other state legislatures, including New York, have expressed interest in copying the proposal...

Keep on reading…

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