Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Obama's IRS is going after Sarah Palin's father...

This use of the IRS for political purposes has to end. Obama should be impeached for not stopping it.

Via PJ Media:
Sarah Palin’s brother, Chuck Heath Jr., posted this note on Facebook on January 11:
Coincidence? You decide.
My father, who worked multiple jobs and faithfully and honestly paid his taxes for fifty years, had never heard a word from the IRS. In 2008, his daughter was tapped to run for vice president of the United States. Since that time, he has been, in his words “horribly harassed” six times by the agency. They’ve tried to dig up something on him but he’s always operated above board.
Government and politics are ugly. Kudos to the few that are trying to clean it up.
Keep on reading…

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