Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Obamacare claims a victim...

A brother explains how Obamacare killed his little sister...

Via Ann Coulter:
This Wednesday, my little sister, Julie, will be buried. She died because she delayed seeking health care for what turned out to be a catastrophic condition after her private health insurance policy was cancelled because of Obamacare.
As she waited for a new Obamacare-approved policy to kick in, her condition deteriorated to the point that it was too late.
Julie, her husband, and four children were covered by a medical plan they liked, and had been promised they could keep by President Obama. But like so many others in this country, her family’s private health care policy was cancelled because of the Affordable Care Act.
So my sister and her family struggled through the expensive and incompetently designed Obamacare website to find a new policy. Unfortunately, while they waited for their new Obama-approved healthcare plan to finally kick in, my little sister fell ill. She couldn’t keep down solid food. She should have gone to a doctor.
But she toughed it out, as many people do, until her new coverage would kick in on February 2. She and her husband didn’t have a lot of money, so she didn’t want to incur what she thought were avoidable medical expenses.
Read it all »

1 comment:

  1. I am no fan of BO and his "care". But this woman killed herself by not being an adult and seeking medical help. Her decision alone.


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