Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Oregon spends $300 million on Obamacare exchange, tells people to sign up by snail mail...

$300 million and it doesn't work. 

Via Capitol City Project:
“At Cover Oregon we’re committed to helping you get the health insurance you need” the video uploaded to Youtube yesterday starts. It then explains that those seeking health insurance coverage through the Obamacare exchange can “enroll online” by entering their information through the Cover Oregon website. However, instead of being sent to the next section of the website to browse and select a plan, the video explains that “in about ten days” applicants will “get a packet” in the mail from the government-run exchange.
At this point the packet will either inform the applicant that they qualify for, and have been enrolled in, the state Medicaid system or that they need to purchase a private plan through the exchange. Those who need to purchase a private plan must then go back to the website and enter the information from the packet they got in the mail in order to actually look through the available plans and pick one. After that, if the site works properly, they’ll then be sent a bill and an insurance card through the mail. At that point they will be covered, the video promises.
Keep on reading…

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