Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hillary's book tour may end her presidential ambitions...

The term "unmitigated disaster" fails to  accurately describe Hillary Clinton's book tour.
Elections: If Hillary Clinton's much ballyhooed — and ultimately disastrous — national book tour is any indication, Democrats face some hard choices in the months ahead about whom they can run for president.You can't blame Clinton for scheduling her "Hillary Week" at a time when there was so much real news going on. But she certainly deserves blame for the fact that the only coverage she managed to get from her book tour was all bad.Even before her tour got started, reviewers — many of whom you'd expect to be cheerleading for Hillary — were instead viciously hammering her book, "Hard Choices."Politico's Mike Allen, for example, called it a "newsless snore" that will "fuel the notion that politics infuses every part of her life." John Dickerson at Slate said it was "the low-salt, low-fat, low-calorie offering with vanilla pudding as the dessert."From there her week went downhill. First, there was the interview with ABC News' Diane Sawyer, which can only be described as the worst performance by a book-touring politician since Bob Dole lost his cool over a tobacco question during a 1996 "Today Show" interview, where he and wife Elizabeth were trying to pitch their feel-good memoir.First, Clinton fatuously claimed she and Bill were "dead broke" and "struggled" when they left the White House — as a way to justify the obscene $200,000 per speech she's been getting since leaving the State Department. That then forced Clinton to later spend time amending her comments.That same interview displayed Clinton's inability to defend herself against Sawyer's surprisingly barbed questions about Benghazi... Please read it all...

1 comment:

  1. Like most of us, Hillary is her own, worse enemy except that she has more baggage and a long paper trail of negative comments that can be used against her.

    I've notice the MSM is even giving here a difficult time and Hollywood comedians are making fun of her.


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