Sunday, November 30, 2014

Strange: Obama's EEOC is suing companies for complying with #Obamacare...

If only someone had read this law before democrats passed it. 
Reuters reports that Obama’s Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) has filed lawsuits against Honeywell International and two other companies because for some strange reason participating in ObamaCare is a violation of federal law.
The ACA encourages companies to institute wellness programs designed to preemptively cut down on health care costs by creating healthier employees. These programs include smoking cessation, weight loss, and regular check-ups. Employees are encouraged to participate in these programs by an up to 50% reduction in out-of-pocket health care costs.
The problem is, wellness programs are in direct violation of the American’s With Disabilities Act, which prohibits medical screening as part of employment. ObamaCare mandates that employees must undergo medical testing to be eligible for reduced premiums, yet federal law says this is illegal.
Of course, another way to look at wellness programs are that they target smokers and the obese unfairly with thousands in added premiums each year. In essence, this is a tax on behavior from a law that forbids denying coverage for pre-existing conditions.
This is astounding. It’s like nobody read the ACA before it was passed into law.

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